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a maximally simplified GUI for OpenPGP

Version 1.0, 10.12.2013

deutsche Nationalflaggedeutsche Version (translation improvements are welcome)

start screen

Screen: Start

my contacts' keys me as contact for others more features

The number of possible decisions is reduced as much as possible.

Showing the screen title on every screen (upper right) makes explanations and support easier.

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Screen: my contacts

search for keys on the Internet import from file or clipboard show key groups

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Screen: Internet key search

enter email address here


enter key ID here start search

Several key servers would be searched.

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Screen: keys found on the Internet

select for import short ID user ID
0x12345001 Joe User <>
0x12345002 Joe User <>
0x12345003 Joe User <>
import selected keys

It should be possible to have additional user IDs displayed.

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Screen: verify keys – info

It is insecure to import and use keys which you have not verified. You can verify them later but this can easily be forgotten. Not all applications show you a warning when you try to use non-verified keys.

For this reason this program imports new keys to a safe verification storage first. You can:

  1. verify the key
  2. keep the key in the verification storage and verify it later
  3. import the non-verified key (You have been warned!)

The verification storage is an additional keyring invisible to other applications.

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Screen: import warning

key data:

Joe User <>

7D82 FB9F D25A 2CE4 5241 6C37 BF4B 8EEF 1A57 1DF5

You are going to import a non-verified key. This is usually not a good idea.

I have understood the warning, import the non-verified key back to action selection

It would make sense to not only import the key but certify it locally at certification level 1. In the configuration min-cert-level would have to be set to 1.

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Screen: verify key – info

key data:

Joe User <>

7D82 FB9F D25A 2CE4 5241 6C37 BF4B 8EEF 1A57 1DF5

It is important that you have received this character string from the key owner in a secure way, on paper during face-to-face contact at best. Or by phone if that is not possible. In no case by email or from a web page or similar.

key is correct back to action selection

Local signatures only. The Web of Trust is not for beginners.

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Screen: key groups

action short ID user ID
in verification storage only
   selection 0x12345001 Joe User <>
selection 0x12345801 Joe User <>
imported non-verified
   selection 0x12345002 Joe User <>
selection 0x12345802 Joe User <>
   0x12345003 Joe User <>
0x12345803 Joe User <>
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It should be considered whether to allow thr revocation of a verification.

On this screen it should be possible to have the program search the keyservers for all addresses in the local address book. It should be possible to have this repeated regularly so that the user can be informed about new crypto users among his contacts.

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Screen: import key from file or clipboard

open file dialog

paste key text here:

transfer text area content

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Screen: my key for my contacts

show fingerprint print fingerprint sheets export key to file or key server

If there are several secret keys then this screen needs a selection possibility.

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Screen: export my key

open file dialog export to keyserver

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Screen: my fingerprint

key data:

Joe User <>

7D82 FB9F D25A 2CE4 5241 6C37 BF4B 8EEF 1A57 1DF5

It is important that your contacts receive this character string in a secure way, on paper during face-to-face contact at best. Or by phone if that is not possible. In no case by email or from a web page or similar.

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back to start screen

Screen: more features

generate new key send email to your contacts free courses (external link) better keys (external link) back to start screen

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Screen: generate new key

necessary data for the new key
your name:
your email address:
[optional] additional email addresses:
passphrase for the secret key:
repeat passphrase:
generate key

On this screen there should be links to information about how to group user IDs.

back to start screen

Screen: send email to your contacts

Tell your contacts that you have started using crypto. We need every single user advertise it.

open new email

On this screen there should be a suitable text (maybe different variants for different groups) which e.g. points at this software. The user can copy this text to an email or have it opened in an email so that he just needs to select the recipients.

There should also be a link to information how everyone can support the usage of crypto, like